How to make soft and scented plasticine at home

Science4you’s Modelling Dough Factory is the first toy in the world that allows children to make their own plasticine!

This step-by-step guide will help you get the most out of this kit, while you get creative, learn about science and improve your dexterity and coordination.

In this kit you’ll find everything you need to make your own plasticine from scratch. The materials in the Modelling Dough Factory are:

  • Gloves
  • Pasteur pipettes
  • Modeling tools
  • Plasticine molds
  • Measuring cup
  • Coloring
  • Wheat flour
  • Sea salt
  • Secret formula
  • Peach scented base
  • Castor oil
  • Jars for storing the plasticine

To make the plasticine, you’ll also need some materials that I’m sure you have in your kitchen:

  • Hot water
  • Bowl
  • Fork
  • Spoon

Now let’s get practical. Get ready to get your hands dirty!

Step-by-step instructions for making plasticine

  1. Using the measuring beaker, add 100 ml of flour and 10 ml of the secret formula to a bowl and mix everything together with a fork.
  2. Measure 10ml of sea salt into the measuring beaker
  3. Without removing the salt, ask an adult to fill the measuring beaker up to 30ml with very hot water. Mix everything with a spoon until the salt has dissolved completely (or almost completely).
  4. Use the Pasteur pipette to measure out 8ml of yellow dye and pour it into the beaker.
  5. Use the pipette to measure about 3ml of castor oil and pour it into the beaker.
  6. With the pipette, measure out 0.5ml of peach perfume base and add it to the beaker. At this stage, the mixture in the beaker should still be very hot.
  7. Slowly pour this mixture into the bowl, stirring well with the fork.
  8. When the plasticine is cohesive, put on your gloves and knead it with your hands.
  9. When the plasticine is no longer very sticky, place it on a clean surface and knead it very well for at least two minutes.

Now your yellow, scented plasticine is ready to play with. When you’ve finished, don’t forget to store it in one of the jars in the kit so it doesn’t dry out.

Then you can repeat the process with the other dyes and create different colored plasticine to make the figures you’ll find in the online manual or others you want to invent.

For more information and details about the kit, visit Science4you – Modelling Dough Factory.

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