The ideal gift can be hard to find, but we’re here to help. The selection we present to you contains educational toys and games that bring multiple benefits to children. Science4you toys are inspired by the STEAM methodology, which helps children to stimulate their skills while playing in various areas. The STEAM areas are Science, …
Creating paper flowers is an activity that can be a lot of fun for both children and adults. As well as being a great way to pass the time, it can also serve as a creative way to decorate the house or give a gift to someone special. In this article, we’ll explain how to …
Science4you’s Modelling Dough Factory is the first toy in the world that allows children to make their own plasticine! This step-by-step guide will help you get the most out of this kit, while you get creative, learn about science and improve your dexterity and coordination. In this kit you’ll find everything you need to make …
Feel like doing some crafts or doing a fun activity with the kids? It’s time to add some colour to your days with a step-by-step Tie-dye activity. This activity is great to do with children and is the perfect activity for the holidays. Tie-dye” is a very old technique, originating in China and Japan, which …
Holy Week is around the corner and nothing like entertaining the kids with a very sweet and original activity: cup-shaped chocolate eggs. Besides looking great on the Easter table, they are also edible. For this experiment we’ll need:– Tracing paper– Tray– Water balloons– Scissors– Chocolate for melting– Coloured sprinkles and almonds (to decorate) – optional Procedure: …
March 8th is International Women’s Day and, at Science4you, we want to celebrate this date by letting you know a little more about some of the most influential women in the History of Science. Throughout the centuries, women had to be brave and determined to follow their dreams and succeed in areas dominated by men. …